W E L C O M E !
As you browse this website, you are browsing through a family album that records the life and the images of God’s family here at Pipestone Christian Reformed Church. We are a family, brothers and sisters in Christ, which means we laugh together, cry together, and encourage one another. However, the most important thing about our family is that each week we strive to grow with each other in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. So, as you sit at your computer, we encourage you to feel free to click through the pages of this family album. But please do not just experience our family through a computer screen; we welcome you to come and join in the life and fellowship of our family!
In the love of Christ,
Pipestone Christian Reformed Church Council
Minister: Pastor Stephen Wynja, Pastor
Phone: 507-215-2705
Worship Service:
Morning Service 9:00 am