P.O. Box 428
Pipestone, MN 56164
March 9, 2025
We wish to welcome all of you as we have gathered to worship the LORD together. May we bring praise to our heavenly Father, bow before the name of Jesus, and be united together through the bond of the Holy Spirit! In this order of worship that follows, please note that the words printed in bold are ones that the congregation is asked to respond with. Also, when an asterisk (*) appears, the congregation is asked to stand, if they are able.
Call to Worship: Exodus 15:11-13
*God’s Blessing
*Mutual Greetings
*Opening Hymn: "Holy, Holy, Holy" #249 PH
*Opening Response: (From 1 Chronicles 29:11,13)
Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power and the glory, the victory and the majesty; for all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head over all.
Now therefore, our God, we thank You and praise Your glorious name.
*Song of Praise: "Father, We Love You" #634 PH
Reading of God’s Law: The Ten Commandments, Responsive Reading PH. p. 1015
Prayer of Confession
Assurance of Pardon: Isaiah 1:18
Pastoral Prayer
Offering for Classical Ministry Share (place offering in bags in narthex)
*Preparatory Hymn: "How Vast the Benefits Divine" #497 PH
Scripture: Mark 9:2-13
Pastor: This is the Word of God for the People of God
Congregation: Thanks be To God
Prayer for Illumination
Sermon: Who Jesus Really Is
1. The Revelation (1-8)
2. The Aftermath (9-13)
3. Lessons for our Lives
Closing Hymn: "When We Walk with the Lord" #548 PH
*God's Parting Blessing
*Doxology: "Savior, Again to Your Dear Name We Raise" #319 PH vs. 2,4
WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP – Week 5 Adonai, Abba, Holy Spirit
Congregational Announcements
A special welcome is extended to all worshipping with us today. In this Lenten season may the remembrance of our Lord’s suffering and death increase our faith and enrich our fellowship with Christ.
Serving coffee today: Jan
Next Sunday: Von
Offering today: Classical Ministry Share
Next Sunday: Christian School Tuition
We express our appreciation to Jeanette Sluis for playing the organ/piano for us for the next few weeks. THANK YOU!
Cornerstone Prison Ministries – Rev. Scott Van Voorst
Megan DeRuyter (Youth with a Mission) Boulder Creek, CA.
Sosthene and Kara Maletoungou in Africa
Last week’s trivia question: In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who was the second individual to pass by the wounded traveler? A Levite (Luke 10:30-37)
Today’s trivia question: In the analogy used by the writer of Ephesians, what is represented by a shield?
Memory Verse
Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty
and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours.
Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over .
1 Chronicles 29:11
Community News
Dear Brothers and Sisters of Pipestone Christian Reformed,
Thank you for your church's gift to the ministry shares program. For over 160 years, churches have been joining in ministry through ministry shares. As a result, they've been able to have a much larger impact than any congregation could have on its own.
Your gifts provide resources for proclaiming the gospel of Jesus around the world and support the work of disciplining people to experience the saving grace of Jesus. You support missionaries in the field, media broadcasts in 12 languages, church plants across North America, students at Calvin University and Calvin Seminary, and you provide valuable resources and support to all of the congregations of the CRCNA.
Your willingness to work with other Christian Reformed Churches is helping proclaim the story of salvation and bringing a light to a dark world. Thank you.
I invite you to visit crcna.org/ministryshares to learn more about how your ministry share gifts are making a difference. Please share one of our videos, slides or printed material about ministry shares with your congregation and remind them of the of the shared ministry they are a part of.
KINGDOM KIDS PRESCHOOL at Southwest MN Christian Schools is open for enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year and we couldn't be more excited! What a wonderful opportunity for your child to explore and discover God's world! Registration forms can be picked up at the elementary campus office at 210 Elizabeth St W, Edgerton, or downloaded at our school website, swcschools.org.
For more information, call the office at 507-442-6181 or email us at elementary@swcschools.org. If you'd like to tour the school or would like to check out the Preschool area, we’d welcome you to do that as well!
5th-8th Grade Winter Music Festival: Join us on Monday, March 10 at 7:00pm at Southwest Christian Elementary School for the 5th-8th Grade Winter Music Festival as students from SWC, Hills, Worthington and Free Christian schools come together in a joyful celebration of music and unity! This special event will feature instrumental and vocal large group performances, showcasing a variety of music. Come and support our young musicians as they share their talents with you!
Save the date - Black and Gold Banquet will be Saturday, April 12, 2025. Social hour begins at 5:45, devotion & dinner at 6:15, followed by entertainment and dessert! SWC is so excited to welcome Slap Happy Comedy. The dynamic duo of Erik and Adam bring high energy, hilarious and interactive improvisational comedy to each event. With the help of the audience, they create comedy together that is fresh, fun and like one big happy family! Visit www.slaphappycomedy.com to learn about them and see them in action. Join us for a night of delicious food and laughter - reserve your spot today! You can reserve seats at a table or fill up a table of 8! If you are interested in hosting, would like to reserve seats, or need more information about the event contact Ashley at 507-442- 4471 or email at astoel@swcschools.org. Please RSVP by Monday, March 31, 2025
Southwest Christian Schools is conducting their annual Spring Building Drive. Money raised will help cover the expenses of summer projects. These projects include replacing asbestos tile in the high school hallway and a classroom, new carpet in the high school office, soccer field upgrade (1 of 2 parts), updating the bathrooms on the east end of the high school, and a small painting project on the stage at the elementary school. A detailed list of the projects and costs can be viewed by visiting https://www.swcschools.org. Donations can be submitted online, dropped off at either school office, or mailed to 550 W. Elizabeth St., Edgerton, MN 56128. Thank you for your continued support!
Pipestone Women’s Connection cordially invites you to a luncheon at the Christian Reformed Church, on Monday, March 17, 2025. $10 (includes tax & tip)
12:00 p.m. – 1:30. First time guest tickets are complimentary.
FEATURE: Volunteers in Mercy (VIM Thrift Store) is a non-profit organization helping people in need within the community and surrounding areas. VIM Coordinator, Dennis Kroll, will share about VIM, and a few models will be sharing some of VIM’s clothing options.
SPEAKER: Brenda Vermeire, Yankton SD. Title: “Letting Go of the Wheel”
Brenda will share how she learned to let go of the wheel and find new fulfilling adventures with purpose.
Reservations for lunch and complimentary child care by Thursday, March 13, please.
Please call * Rosie: 605-201-6484 * Marian: 507-820-1272 * Susan: 507-920-6675
Avera@Home (Hospice House) will be hosting a benefit at the Pipestone Country Club Saturday, March 29, social hour at 5:00 PM – dinner begins at 6:00. See details on poster on bulletin board by kitchen.
Mark Your Calendars for Southwest Christian Schools 7th-12th grade spring musical Peter Pan showing on April 3, 4, and 5. Tickets will go on sale in a few weeks along with more details!
April 13, 2:30 pm: Join us for the Annual Music Festival at First CRC of Edgerton. Southwest Christian’s choirs, along with individual and choral groups from area churches, will present selections during this afternoon of praise. Members of the audience will be invited to join the mass choir for the Hallelujah Chorus. An offering will be collected for Southwest Christian High School (sponsored as a fundraiser by Circle #12).